
Lissa Bachner

I have a disease that destroys eyes and the tissue surrounding them. My left eye was removed in 1998 and now I am forced to wear a prosthetic. I've had numerous surgeries, spent thousands on cosmetics and had hundreds of skin treatments all in hopes of creating more symmetry in my face. Nothing worked and I've been self conscious about my left eye for years. There were days I couldn't stand to look in the mirror. In one visit, Linda Gordon and Tighter Lines changed my life. Finally my long time search for symmetry is over. Linda has given me the gift of confidence, self esteem, and two matching eyes. I am eternally grateful.

Robin R.

I am a caretaker who often struggles with feeling guilty. I sometimes feel I'm not good enough or will my care every be enough. I have found trying to please during care taking and getting approval sets me up to feel inadequate... that's where Linda Gordon, ACNP comes in! Linda reminds me how important it is to be well and healthy myself! Linda's treatments make me feel beautiful and give me confidence which shines through in every aspect of my life, including care taking. Linda tailors my treatments to my specific needs, gives me her undivided attention and I recommend her to anyone needing to boost their confidence and feel more empowered!


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