What is a Gentlemax Pro Photofacial?

Photofacial is a skin treatment that uses some kind of light-based technology, to increase collagen, treat brown spots, and diminish broken capillaries. Photofacials are great for a number of different goals including: plumper, younger-looking skin, reducing brown spots and facial redness. Photofacials are also a good choice for people who want to boost collagen or treat acne. For this technique we use the Gentlemax Pro Laser. This is a customizable skin therapy exclusively at our Jupiter facility.

Results vary depending on skin condition, your goals and how your skin responds. Photofacials work best in conjunction with a regular skin care routine.

Is a Photofacial right for you?

Great for patients looking to reduce:

  • brown spots
  • sun damaged skin
  • facial redness
  • broken capillaries
  • bacteria that causes acne
  • Treatments

    Light in a series gentle pulses is applied over the treatment area without damaging the skin. Light penetrates the skin and is absorbed by the abnormal pigmentation. These lesions will then be absorbed by the body or flake off. Contact Tighter Lines today to setup your appointment.
